Increasing your power in Elden Ring runes can be a relatively straightforward process, and if you carry out this process with precision, you can achieve excellent results. However, if you do not carry out this process with precision, you may not achieve the best possible results. There are a lot of enormous weapons to be found in Elden Ring, and if the strength stat of your character is high enough, you'll be able to wield weapons that are fully upgraded to the point where they are the same size as your character is when they are at their maximum potential. In order to improve your Strength score, the following is a list of the most potent weapons that you should work toward acquiring.


Battle Hammer


Bringing a massive hammer into combat is a foolproof way to fracture someone's skull, just like Robert Baratheon did when he did it.


- If you infuse the weapon to make it Heavy, the Strength scaling on it will reach an A, which is an extremely rare find in Elden Ring

- If you do not infuse the weapon, the Strength scaling will remain at an F

- If you choose not to infuse the weapon, the Strength scaling will stay where it is currently at: F

- Because of Braggart's Roar, you will see a slight increase in damage, defense, and the rate at which your stamina is restored

- If you decide that you prefer this build, Ash can be used in its place

The Zweihander is a weapon that has been seen in previous games in the Souls series, and it also makes a cameo appearance in the game Elden Ring. Both of these appearances are brief, however.

When you are just starting out in the game, Wither is an excellent choice for Strength builds because it has lower requirements in terms of the stats that are needed to wield it.

In contrast to the vast majority of the other greatswords that are available in the game, this particular one has a devastating piercing attack that can be used against enemies. Lightning deals a respectable amount of damage to it, despite the fact that your strength accounts for the vast majority of its damage. In addition to this, it increases the amount of damage done to foes that are dragons by a moderate amount, and it deals this additional damage to enemies.

Endure is the Ash of War that adorns this weapon, which means that it enables you to make further progress toward a possible tank build. Endure is a unique attribute that can only be obtained by using this weapon. The slower attack animations of this weapon will allow you to fight through attacks that have a chance of stunning you if you have a higher poise. This will be possible when you have a higher poise. You will be able to continue fighting even if you are stunned as a result of this.

Ruins Greatsword

The Ruins Greatsword is one of the few weapons in the game that scales primarily based on the weapon's level rather than on the player's individual statistics. The other weapons in the game scale primarily based on the player's individual statistics. Because of this, it is an especially potent choice for players who want to perform at the highest level of their ability. This is because the Ruins Greatsword deals an increased amount of physical damage in addition to its normal output.

Monster Destroyer

Because this is yet another enormous hammer, and there are going to be a lot of them, you need to be prepared for significant damage. It is one of the few weapons in the game that can scale to an S if you infuse it to be Heavy, which makes it a potentially powerful option. If you infuse it to be Light, however, it cannot scale. If you infuse it with light, it will lose its scaling ability.

This weapon also has a special ability that allows players to leap forward, thereby closing the gap between them and their opponent and allowing them to strike them. This ability is only available to players who have purchased this weapon. This ability will only work if the player is currently holding this weapon in their hands. The fact that you can use either hand to block while wielding this weapon gives it a defense rating that is significantly higher than average.

Dragon Halberd

This weapon's attack speed is noticeably quicker than that of the vast majority of the other entries on this list because it is a Halberd. This is the case because the Halberd is the type of weapon being used. Because it is a weapon used by dragons, it inflicts an increased amount of damage on any dragons that it comes into contact with during combat. This additional damage can be quite significant.

It seems to have resumed at this point. The Spinning Slash, Ash's signature move, is an extremely efficient method for managing the behavior of large groups of people.

The Greatsword, a weapon wielded by the Starscourge.

When Radhan goes into battle on his own, he makes use of this particular weapon. It is not necessary for you to use both hands to wield this weapon like Radhan does; rather, you can do something that is referred to as dual wielding. After a certain point in the game, when using magic is no longer an option, having this weapon gives a strength build additional options for dealing with enemies who are armored. This is due to the fact that magic cannot be utilized at this time.

The Axe of Godrick... TraductionTransformation

The Axe of Godrick can be obtained relatively early on in the game due to the fact that it deals a significant amount of damage and scales extremely well off of strength. Additionally, it has a very high level of adaptability. Additionally, it scales extremely well based on the subject's intelligence. It is the only weapon of its class that possesses a heavy attack that cannot be replicated by any other weapon. This attack already deals a considerable amount of damage overall, but it also does an initial amount of damage that is significant enough to warrant mention.

It has a special ability that is known as "I Command Thee Kneel," which is a phrase that all of us, including Godrick, have heard numerous times from one another. This ability causes the target to kneel down immediately upon hearing the phrase. The fact that this Ash causes shockwaves to be transmitted into the ground contributes to the overall superiority of this weapon. These shockwaves cause the ground in the player's immediate vicinity to violently shake and deal a significant amount of damage to the character. The superiority of this weapon is further enhanced by the inclusion of this Ash.


This sword lives up to its stellar reputation despite the fact that it bears a striking resemblance to the blade that Gut employs in the video game Beserk.

Its Ash of War is Stamp, which indicates that it has an upward cut, just like a lot of greatswords do. This characteristic is shared by a lot of greatswords. This particular firearm possesses a quality that no other firearm does. Despite the fact that it does not have a special ability, this variant of the Ash will still have a distinct feel to it that sets it apart from other versions. This is because of the considerable amount of damage that best mage build elden ring inflicts.

GreatswordWith a Knife That Has Been Grafted Together, It Weaves Its Way Through the Lands

The point at which your strength gains in Elden Ring have reached their peak and you are able to hold a piece of what could very well be a component of the Iron Throne is the point at which you have unlocked all of its potential benefits.

Your character will receive a bonus of 5 points across all of their attributes as a result of taking the Oath of Vengeance. This bonus is distributed evenly across all of your character's attributes. Because using this Ash of war will improve your character in every way, you will effectively gain free access to forty additional levels for a period of thirty seconds. This is an excellent choice for a strength build because it allows for frontline combat, keeps you in the fight, and deals a significant amount of damage.