A task line will be present there for at least a certain amount of time. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just don't get how people get older and wiser. Will they continue to get bigger? Do they also go through an adolescence in the jar? There are a lot of issues to deal with here.

When you get there, there is a very obvious gap, and you can't go to Jarburg even though the map indicated that there was a way to get there from the handling and learning hall at one point in time. First, navigate to this location on the map, and then take a peek over the cliff. You are going to observe that the tombstone that is perched precariously on the edge of the cliff descends safely without causing any harm. You will have entered the land of grace once you have arrived in Garburg. It's possible that your initial response will be to begin slaughtering all of these pots because, with the exception of Alexander, every pot you have come across in the past has usually proven to be hostile. However, you shouldn't do that here because these pots are peaceful and all want to do is sit around these lovely flowers. Except for the one that's sitting on these steps, no other pot will engage in conversation with you. Hello, my name is Jar Baron.

It won't be long before he reveals to you that Jarburg is looking. Because they all have the appearance of cans, this is also an interesting pun for someone in a position of authority, such as the mayor or a leader. You are, indeed, the owner of the can, as you well know. You can offer your services as a volunteer and become a powerful Tate, but this won't help you land the job. Jabran will tell you that your hands are not smooth enough, which is an odd requirement for being elected to a position of authority in this strange society. After that, if you give yourself some rest, it will be very similar to this for jabber now. Visit Grace, and then continue your conversation with Jar Baron.

He will tell you that you are allowed to stay and pick flowers, which is good news because certain flowers are difficult to purchase and are very useful for making certain things. There are also some additional conversations about his uncle Alexander that you can listen to. We must have met him before. It is possible that we should not bring up jar Baron at this time. In order for us to proceed with the Jarburg questline, we are going to have to engage in conversation with a completely different role.

After you have returned to the round table, you will have another conversation with dialos. You will be informed by Dialos that he has been extended an invitation to join the volcanic manor, and he will reveal to you that he has accepted the invitation in order to exact his vengeance. Now all that's left to do is head over to the volcano manor. You have many options available to you; you can walk a long way west from Damanullah to Windmill Village, you can be distorted by Raya, or you can be swallowed by the iron virgin that is located under Reya Lucaria. After you have spoken with Tanith, joined the nefarious country club, and been given the key to the living room, you will be able to enter the room, where you will find Diallos. Hey, imagine running into you here, and the result being that, despite the fact that all of his gestures and statements of the Hoslow family story are told in blood, buy XBOX Elden Ring Runes is not hard for Tanis to convince him to give up seeking revenge on the volcanic manor and to convince him to join.

On the contrary, he even tried to prove that this stupid behavior was rational by claiming that LANYA would understand his choice. He did this in an attempt to defend his decision. Yes, I am certain that her bloody body has reached a state of complete peace, and at this time she has assassinated a variety of targets using the volcanic manor task line. At the same time, you need to put an end to your conversation with her, dialos. It does not matter when you return; over time, he will start to lament the decision he made to become a member of the manor. Together, they will eventually leave the club at some point. After Dialo leaves the manor, he should have no trouble locating Jarburg on his own.

Please keep in mind that in the event that he is not present, you may be required to have multiple conversations with the Jar Baron, take a rest for some reason, and take a rest in front of Grace in order to advance this task. In the event that he is present, he will treat a wounded Jar boy in this hut. Be sure to exhaust all of the dialysis conversations and use up all of the jar Baron's conversations. Regarding the conversation with the jar Baron, he ought to say something to you about poachers preying on the jar of unarmed poor soldiers in order to bring up this point. Let's make a note of this information and keep Elden Ring runes in mind because we will need cheap Elden Ring runes shortly.

It is likely that Diallo will soon take over as the head of Jarburg's governing body. Not only does he have the deftest of hands, but he has also never had to put in a day's work in his entire life. You should know that he has achieved his life's ambition, which is a satisfying happy ending. I can't wait to find out how all of this turned out to be such a stupid mistake,Continue to take in the beautiful scenery, and when you walk around Jarburg, I fully anticipate this to be the case. The nefarious cannibals did, in fact, find their way into jabber, where they proceeded to destroy almost all of the cans, with the exception of jabron.

My opinion is that having either of these two jars is preferable to having neither. A sound decision was made by me. Dialos will die well. He will make a solemn oath to be an outstanding warrior and guardian, just like Dialo. It is beneficial, but perhaps Elden Ring Items PS5 would be more beneficial to see Grace rather than rest and then walk over to see Jalbaron scoop up Dialos' body and place cheap Elden Ring gold in his own body. Damn it, why are all of you so adorable, but at the same time it's very creepy?

Time to have another conversation with Baron Jia, take a break, and then proceed to the location of the remaining dialos. This is his mask, which, when combined with the armor that we stole from his brother and used to kill him, will look great. We have just eradicated the entire hostillo lineage; things are getting gloomy. If you have another conversation with Baron Jia, he will reveal to you that he is about to embark on an adventure and become a great soldier in order to finish this task line.

Iron Fist Alexander's task line needs to be finished in its entirety. We do in fact have a guide currently playing on the channel. The link is included in the description that comes after this one. Return to Jaburg and hand over a jar to the citizens there once you have vanquished Alexander and obtained his internal organs. Grace, in the position of Baron Jia, He will leave you a companion Jia amulet, which can improve your power. This is because the soldier jar is an odd person, and his conversation stops as soon as he sees it. Baron, he may stuff them into his body because the soldier jar is a strange person. Look at what you have done there, your throwaway jar items, which has resulted in the conclusion of yet another depressing Eldon ring NPC mission, but at least we will assist dialos in becoming a true hero and allow Baron Jia to start down the path to becoming a great soldier, even though this may be bad because he is just a little can boy and we kicked out Alexander's shit. He is a large and venerable can man.